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Jinling Wang


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About Jinling Wang

Areas of Practice:

  • Patent Litigation
  • ANDA Litigation


Jinling Wang is an associate at Devlin Law Firm LLC. Ms. Wang’s practice focuses on patent litigation, including representing pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries. Prior to joining Devlin Law Firm, Ms. Wang has worked on FDA policies and Congressional relations while clerking at the FDA Commissioner’s Office. Ms. Wang also conducted research on comparative intellectual property law and policy in China and the US.

Ms. Wang came into her legal career with substantial biomedical research experience. at University of Wisconsin – Madison and Caltech, she studied molecular and biophysical mechanisms of disorders, such as cardiac arrhythmia and addictions. Ms. Wang is an inventor for a patent on a cell line screening tool for cardiac arrythmia in drug discovery.


  • J.D., University of California – Davis, 2012
  • Ph.D., Physiology, University of Wisconsin – Madison, School of Medicine, 2001
  • B.S., Molecular Biology, University of Science and Technology of China, 1993

Court Admissions

  • New York

*Attorney is not barred in Delaware.



Professional Memberships

  • American Bar Association
  • American Intellectual Property Law Association

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